
Lord Scream. From the nothingness of space, Tiny Whisper was born. He watched as the Behemoth Yellers where collecting the interstellar chords of time. They paid no attention to him when he whispered to them for knowledge. One day a Behemoth Yeller, named Silent Rupture fell from the red skies. His purpose fulfilled and he was forgotten. But unlike other Behemoths, one of his chords was still playing the sound of knowledge very gently and Tiny Whisper was close enough to listen. He listened for eons while begging for knowledge to the Behemoths. But they were deceived, for Tiny Whisper has surpassed their knowledge by far. Tiny Whisper did what no one did before. He interpreted the knowledge in it's true form. One day he erupted, his patience turned black and he transformed. In his wrath to the Behemoths he cut all their chords and absorbed all their knowledge, killing the Behemoths in the process. Now, only dark knowledge is left in the universe.

discovered by @zaas7 years ago

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